Quotes about Hong Kong

Quotes about Hong Kong

With its breathtaking parks and a Chinese cultural influenced by years of British colonial rule, Hong Kong is a city full of surprises. Here are some quotes that honor this intriguing city.

"You can leave Hong Kong, but it will never leave you." Nury Vittachi

"Life in Hong Kong transcends cultural and culinary borders, such that nothing is truly foreign and nothing doesn't belong." Peter Jon Lindberg

"If you're too free, you're like the way Hong Kong is now. It's very chaotic." Jackie Chan

"... a fine way to capture a piece of the magic of a unique city. The drama, the charm and the beauty of Hong Kong is all here - just as is its breathless energy." Nury Vittachi

"Hong Kong is a wonderful, mixed-up town where you've got great food and adventure. First and foremost, it's a great place to experience China in a relatively accessible way." Anthony Bourdain

"When I went to Hong Kong, I knew at once I wanted to write a story set there." Paul Theroux

"Hong Kong has created one of the most successful societies on Earth." Prince Charles

"Life in Hong Kong transcends cultural and culinary borders, such that nothing is truly foreign and nothing doesn't belong." Peter Jon Lindberg

"Hong Kong is a wonderful, mixed-up town where you've got great food and adventure. First and foremost, it's a great place to experience China in a relatively accessible way." Anthony Bourdain

"Hong Kong girls have a genius sense of style. I came back to the States thinking no one here has any individuality. Or cute enough socks." Camilla Belle

"When I lived in Hong Kong, I felt that Hong Kong is my family." Jet Li

"Give Hong Kong to an artist. He can use it. It can be poetised." Baris Gencel

"Who said Hong Kong is too small? In size perhaps but not in its soul and personality. Every corner in this city giving you full of surprises, if not every hour but at least every day..." Baris Gencel

"An image began to form in her mind. There were streets, narrow and crowded with people and vehicles. Above them flashed neon lights and blinking billboards of every color, shape and size. Some ran up the sides of buildings, others blinked on and off in store windows. In the space above the sidewalk, higher than a double-decker bus, hung flashing neon signs in bright pink, yellow, red, blue, orange, green and white. Yes, if white could be whiter than white, it was when it was in neon, Hong Mey thought. She knew Nathan Road in Kowloon was famous for its neon lights. Were these streets of Kowloon that she was seeing it her head?" B.L. Sauder, Year of the Golden Dragon

"Americans think New Yorkers are property obsessed, but clearly they haven't lived a day in Hong Kong. In this part of the world, a man isn't a man until he is a homeowner. His entire life leads up to the singular moment when he hands over the down-payment check and puts his signature on the triplicate purchase agreement. All the good grades and job promotions he has received are mere preparation; and every source of happiness - marriage, children and retirement - depends on it." Jason Y. Ng, No City for Slow Men: Hong Kong's quirks and quandaries laid bare